INTAX, spol. s r. o.
Zoubkova 2154/3
150 00 Praha 5

telefon: +420 222 823 111


Tax information system (ADIS) for the Ministry of Finance in the Czech Republic

ADIS supports all activities and processes for the management and registration of taxes and tariffs in the Czech Republic. The system has been developed and maintained in cooperation with IBM CZ. INTAX is one of the leading development centers. It covers the area of statewide registers, applications on the central level, data transfers and communication with other IS of the state administration. INTAX ensures the operation of the ADIS integration center, system support and hotline.

One of the latest innovations is electronic tax declaration (high level of security is secured by electronical signature) and accessibility of some information through mobile phones. The innovative nature of our application was highly appreciated and the Ministry of Finance was awarded a prize "Český zavináč". ADIS has been designed by CASE Select SE and developed in INFORMIX-4GL and Java.

Na začátek stránky

The system for ADIS project and applications management (SRA)

Workflow and project management application which supports the whole ADIS lifecycle and solves the problems of organization of workgroups, relationships to guarantors and coordinators at 4 levels – ministry, integration center, development centers and users. The system includes hotline, helpdesk and process problems, new suggestions and statistics. The system has been developed in IBM Notes and is accessible through Internet browser.

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ADIS integration center

INTAX provides the ADIS integration center in its premises. The center integrates ADIS applications from all development centers, prepares the customer documentation, creates installation programs, designs procedures for testing and implementation, manages and backs up all ADIS versions. Furthermore INTAX designs and supervises the system environment – operating systems and databases. IBM is outsourcing the integration center to INTAX.

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ADIS testing center

The Ministry of Finance is outsourcing the ADIS testing center to INTAX. The center coordinates testing and acceptance procedures of new ADIS versions, collects and evaluates all testing data and provides an assessment for management.

Na začátek stránky

Internet Hotline

The Internet hotline is a universal helpdesk system that supports end users of public ADIS applications. The hotline helps to solve problems, to adopt applications and to clarify official procedures. The Internet hotline cooperates with SRA (ADIS project management system). The application is based on Internet technology and IBM Notes.

Na začátek stránky

Statistics of foreign trade for the Ministry of Trade and Industry in the Czech Republic

This modern information system offers data about foreign trade in the Czech Republic and serves ministry customers. The system helps to evaluate statistical data about import and export, to determine trends, to search for opportunities and to mediate contacts. The solution is based on 3-layer architecture: application server SilverStream/Novell and database server INFORMIX. INTAX guarantees maintenance of this system.

Na začátek stránky

Online authorization of O.K. cards – GE Multiservis

INTAX implemented communication module for the authorization of O.K. cards. The module connects the GE authorization center to the MUZO authorization center. The system was developed in C++ for the platform UNIX-AIX. The system fulfils all GE functional requirements including security standards.

Na začátek stránky

Shell Site Communication Project

INTAX in cooperation with IBM CZ implemented the Shell Site communication system that gave all Shell customers the possibility to pay by credit cards VISA, EC/MC and AMEX. The project included analysis of the existing system in Great Britain, necessary modifications for the Czech Republic and its development and implementation.
INTAX continues to provide maintenance.

Na začátek stránky

Localization of operating system AIX

INTAX participated in the translation of AIX version 4.1, 4.2 a 4.3 to the Czech environment (texts, helps, manuals, … ).

    © INTAX, spol. s r. o., 2024

Aktualizováno 21. 5. 2024